- Work At Home


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

                                              LESSON - 8


In some sentences, the subject or predicate may be made up of two or more parts.  These are called ‘compound parts’.  Using compound parts helps you combine your ideas.  Notice how compound parts are formed.

Compound Subjects:   Debra delivers newspapers after work.

                                    Roger delivers newspapers after work.

                                   Debra and Roger deliver newspapers after work.

Compound Predicates: The soldiers loaded their jeep.

                                   The soldiers headed for the border.

                                   The soldiers loaded their jeep and headed for the border.

The conjunctions ‘and’ and ‘or’ are used to join compound parts.  When three or more subjects or predicates are combined, use comma to separate them.


Orange, apples, and bananas filled a bowl on the table.

Mom picked up the paper, went inside, and read it.

IDENTIFYING COMPOUND SUBJECTS AND PREDICATES: (Underline the compound subjects or predicates in the sentences below).

1.     Marie, Julia, or Josh will check the list.

2.     The lightning and thunder scared the kitten.

3.     The violent hurricane flooded the streets and destroyed many houses.

4.     Tomorrow, bring your books and return your permission slip.

5.     I woke up early and walked three miles.


1.     ______________________ and __________________ are my favorite singers.

2.     Every day, Susan_______________________, ________________, and ____________.

     3.  Amy________________ and __________________. 

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