Benefits and Drawbacks - Work At Home


Friday, January 22, 2010

Benefits and Drawbacks


Today every youngster from the age of 13 is totally addicted to the internet and cell phone. They spend their time browsing the net, chatting, and sending messages.   If you ask any youngster what he does with his/her free-time, the answer will be – chatting. 

I want to express my views and opinions on the benefits and drawbacks of chatting on the Internet and cell phone.   They allow us to stay in touch with our close friends and relatives.  Chatting through the use of the internet or cell phone is the cheapest way compared to the other modes of communication.  

 The demand for the use of phones and the internet is sky-rocketing.   The network companies are gaining more and more profits and they are offering the cheapest offers to their customers. The people, especially the young, are totally crazy of these attractive offers. The most useful benefits of chatting is that a friend can share all his personal feelings to his or her friend.

 But unfortunately the drawbacks are more compared to the benefits. How? Let’s discuss that in detail. The first drawback is the young people are ruining their education. They are more inclined to concentrate on chatting than studying.   Another drawback is they are not able to focus on their future. In most cases, we find unknown persons, who act like friends, keeps chatting and, this can be very dangerous to the chatters.  Also, there are some immature and innocent guys and girls who get stuck under the trap of the unknown callers who can turn into potential troublemakers. 

So, my suggestion for this situation is this:  Communicating with your friends and relatives is not a bad thing at all – it is necessary that we stay in touch with them.  But, making it a habit is bad.  Ignoring your studies and your future career is just too bad.  Using the internet and cell phone is not wrong but getting obsessed with it to the point where it destroys life one’s life is worse. 

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