Impact of Corruption on the world - Work At Home


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Impact of Corruption on the world

The negative effects of Corruption are many which make our world’s position worst, so let’s discuss few effects of Corruption which are making our world to bad position.

There are many effects of Corruptions like-:
A person who is highly educated will not get employment. If a person who is highly educated but he had to pay a large amount of bribe for the job which he is unable to pay then because of his inability to pay the bribe he can’t be a job holder that will resulted into the unemployment of the Country. The same situation is for the students who want to study further but because of Corruption and the bribe which they ask to the student for the admission the student who is incapable to do his further studies.

So because of illiteracy and unemployment which mostly occur because of Corruption, our Country is unable to get develop with the speed.

      As we know that our country India is the biggest country with the large population, so if the rate of education and employment will increase and if very strict action takes to stop Corruption then there are lots of scopes for the development of the Country.

If the government takes strict action against the Corrupted people then no one can stop our country to get develop like America or U.A.E.

      But the government alone cannot able to handle the situation, so we the people also should give lots of support to the authorities. We should be aware of our rights and powers which our constitution gives us. So the cooperation of people plays a vital role with the government to stop Corruption.

Lets imagine, if the money which is inherit by some celebrities like Ramalinga Raju and Kalmadi etc. which amounts to be huge amount, if that money if it is use on making roads, dams, bridges, schools in the small villages then it said to be the most biggest step to make the Country develop.

We should take a big step to bring black money from these people and that money should be national property and it should be utilize on the development of the country.

But unfortunately we can’t even trust on our political parties, even they have involved in the various controversies of Corruptions, so they are many political leaders who them self involved in Corruption. The money of people which is very hard earned money had become their properties. Every political leader had corers of rupees in their accounts which actually belong to the people.  Corruption became so common not only in India but throughout the world. The official works which takes very long time to complete all its formalities can be done in a very short span of time by offering some bribe to the respective department. So paying bribe to make the work complete in short time became a habit to the people and because of this the Corruption became so common in the world.

People thinks paying bribe and making our works complete in short time is a great deal, this thing are increasing the rate of Corruption. This is one kind of encouragement to Corruption. Corruption has become a kind of disease which did not spared to the most biggest and developed countries also.

We the people are also responsible for the high growth of Corruption, how means we want our works to be get complete soon this encourage the Corruption.

In these days there are some social activists who are making some hunger strikes against Corruption. I don’t think that it works because being hungry for so many days is not a useful thing. What we need is we should get into action against Corruption which is more effective than hunger strikes. And there should be strict law should be implement and make as much as possible efforts to finish Corruption from the world, that’s the important thing, being hungry is not an effective thing.

 We should not live all the responsibilities on the head of government alone, we the people also get united and we should fight against Corruption. Believe me if the Corruption finish from the world then the poverty of the world gets end. The living standard of the people will be improves a lot.

To make the world a poverty free world, we have to wake up and precede our steps against Corruption because Corruption is like a disease and day by day it making the world spoil and damage. If a person who is unaware of the losses of Corruption then think that it’s your responsibility to make him aware about his rights and powers as a citizen so that he can also join the fight against Corruption.

 Its seems a very unfortunate thing that we can’t take any legal action against a corrupt person, if we do so, like for example if we sue him for the Corruption then he can be easily escape from the scene by offering huge amount of bribe to the concern authority.  So by this I can say that the whole world had been drowned into the sea of Corruption. From the peon of the offices to the Manager of the offices are corrupted.  So we the people of the world are only hope to finish this system of Corruption. Let’s be practical and let’s make corrupted people get afraid of us.

Surprisingly! There are some countries where the rate of Corruption is very low than compare to the rate of other countries. Countries like New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore, and Sweden have less Corruption than compare to the other countries of the world. My suggestion to decrease the rate of Corruption from the world we should take a lesson from the countries who have least Corruption rate. One should think that why and how these countries have less Corruption rate if we get the answer and solution to kick the Corruption out then it’s a very good thing for us and for the whole world. So it’s not the responsibility of only government to think about Corruption, it’s our responsibility too. Encouraging Corruption and finishing Corruption is in the hand of people. So still it’s not too late. Let’s come into the action now and let’s make an end to the disease of Corruption now.

Corruption is like a disease which is not letting the world to be healthy. So let’s kill that disease and make our world strong and developed. And the most important thing is we have to fight against Corruption in a peaceful way not in a violent way, because protesting against Corruption in a violent way is the loss of our self, loss of the property of the country and loss of our dignity. So we have to get victory over Corruption by a peaceful way. 

Presently we can see in the news and we can read in the newspaper that they are many people who are involved in the protest against Corruption by being hungry, I don’t think it works, the only way to reduce the Corruption rate is we should be practical and we should take necessary action against corruption in an effective and peaceful way.  Image the world without Corruption; I don’t think that there will be any poor left anymore the living standard of the people will be improve a lot.

Corruption and Hikes make a common man’s life so hard. Yes hikes in almost all commodities like petrol, food items, and textiles also effects a lot to common man’s life. If these types of things removed then surely the world’s financial structure will be totally change.
Research and surveys says that out of 10 people 9 don’t have their own house, do you know why? Because the money he earned will get spent on his livelihood and hardly he can save a very little amount for his future and children. If a common man want to buy his own house then he have to work for 20 years and save huge amount of money then by that money he can just able to buy a little house.

The Corruption process will be a never ending process if the people don’t take necessary action against it on time. But on the other hand it can be avoid by the quick action by the people of the world.

Surprisingly there is a department to make control over corruption which is known as Anti-Corruption bureau but unfortunately these seems to be ineffective the process of Corruption is still on even though there is a boss to the Corrupted department. But it helps to more extent to control the rate of corruption in the country but not completely. It seems that the corrupted people don’t have any fear of such anti corruption departments.  But let’s not be hopeless to stop corruption there are some solution for this but the thing is we should be a good finder.

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